Friday 1 June 2012

Skoda list 51 percent growth in Jan 2011

Skoda India registered boost in sales figures by 51% in January 2011 as compared to last year figures. Czech based car maker sold 2825 units last month, compared to just 1881 unit sold in January 2010.

According to Skoda Auto, the credit for this exponential growth in sales figures goes to the newly launched mini SUV, Yeti. Ever since its launch in November 2010, Yeti has been popular and at the same time it has also bagged 8 of the most prominent car awards in India.

Mr Thomas Kuehl, Skoda India, said, “2011 has started on a very positive note. Our sales increase of 51% is testimonial for our future growth plan in India. We are delighted with the customer response and the media response to our Yeti, which has won 8 awards, so far the most awarded SUV in the country.”

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