Audi, the German luxury car manufacturer, showcased an outstanding display at the 10th Auto Expo in New Delhi. To commemorate the centenary of the brand, Audi's display included the heritage Audi Front 225 Roadster, the Audi India product range and the Audi Sportback Concept car. The Audi range was presented by Mr. Peter Schwarzenbauer, Member of the Board of Management of AUDI AG Marketing and Sales, and Mr. Benoit Tiers, Managing Director, Audi India."Audi has shown exceptional promise since we began our India operations. We have grown from strength to strength in every facet of the business. Audi India will continue to play a pivotal role in the worldwide growth strategy of AUDI AG. The Audi Sportback Concept car, which we have displayed at the Auto Expo, effectively demonstrates Audi's future design vocabulary. We will continue to bring latest models from Audi to India. This is part of our commitment to the Indian customer," commented Mr. Peter Schwarzenbauer.The two international show cars and the current Audi India product range reflect the past, present and the future glory of AUDI AG. The Audi Sportback concept show car is now rolling up to the starting line with a dual mission: As suggested by the name, it symbolizes the Sportback principle in its purest form in the combination of elegance, sportiness and variability.
The technology of the Audi Sportback concept is markedly futuristic. With its pronounced coupĂ©-like silhouette and large rear hatch, the 4.95 m long (16.24 ft), 1.93 m wide (6.33 ft) and only 1.40 m high (4.59 ft) vehicle is boldly progressive for the luxury class. Power is provided by the world’s cleanest diesel technology: the 3.0-liter V6 TDI clean diesel almost completely eliminates nitrogen oxides. And numerous measures to ensure top efficiency mean that the Audi Sportback concept is expected to achieve impressive fuel consumption figures of 5.9 liters of diesel per 100 kilometers.Audi India has been instrumental in creating new benchmarks in terms of sales and service thereby establishing Audi as a manufacturer of progressive, sophisticated and technically superior luxury cars. Audi introduced "Audi Top Assist", a 24x7 Road Side Assistance Program in India, earlier this year. The increasing familiarity and wider acceptance of the brand across the country is reflected in the robust growth that Audi has witnessed in terms of sales and expansion since start of operations in India.
"We have successfully exceeded our projected sales targets for two consecutive years and have strategically created a niche in the Indian automobile industry. Audi India immensely benefits from the state-of-art-infrastructure, modernised working processes, large pool of skilled personnel and favourable logistical conditions that AUDI AG provides. We will continue to provide unmatched quality 3/4 to our customers in India, reflective of our philosophy of 'Vorsprung durch Technik'," said Mr. Benoit Tiers.In 2009 Audi India registered a 58 percent growth, a remarkable achievement in a difficult year. This success was attained through the launch of - the new Audi A6, the Audi Q5, the new Audi Q7, introduction of three new engines to the existing range of Audi A4 and expansion of its footprint across India through new dealership openings in Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Kochi.
The brand celebrates "100 years of Audi", a journey of the brand's tradition, innovation, commitment, explorations, passion, successes and new ideas. To commemorate this special occasion, Audi India has several new initiatives planned for 2010, which were set in motion at the10th Auto Expo.
The company announced the introduction of Audi Q7 4.2 TDI; the most powerful engine in its class. The 4.2 TDI engine joins the highly successful and popular Audi Q7 family in India. The company also announced a Limited Edition offer on Audi A6 – the highest selling luxury sedan worldwide. The Audi A6 2.7 TDI will now be available at an attractive price of Rs. 37,00,000 onwards (ex-showroom Mumbai) for a limited period. Audi India also announced start of production of the Audi Q5, its highly successful SUV, at its group production facility at Aurangabad, and plans to launch an extended warranty program, later this month.
The international Audi stand concept will give auto enthusiasts an opportunity to experience the entire Audi product range available in India comprising the Audi A4, the new Audi A6, the Audi A8, the Audi Q5, the new Audi Q7, the Audi TT and the super sports car Audi R8, together with the two international exhibits - Audi Sportback Concept and Audi 225 Roadster at the Audi stand. The entire Audi model range is available at eight showrooms across the country: in Gurgaon, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Kochi. Early 2010 will witness the opening of new showrooms in Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai (West), Jaipur, Chennai, Ludhiana. Further developments include Lucknow, Coimbatore and Nagpur.
The technology of the Audi Sportback concept is markedly futuristic. With its pronounced coupĂ©-like silhouette and large rear hatch, the 4.95 m long (16.24 ft), 1.93 m wide (6.33 ft) and only 1.40 m high (4.59 ft) vehicle is boldly progressive for the luxury class. Power is provided by the world’s cleanest diesel technology: the 3.0-liter V6 TDI clean diesel almost completely eliminates nitrogen oxides. And numerous measures to ensure top efficiency mean that the Audi Sportback concept is expected to achieve impressive fuel consumption figures of 5.9 liters of diesel per 100 kilometers.Audi India has been instrumental in creating new benchmarks in terms of sales and service thereby establishing Audi as a manufacturer of progressive, sophisticated and technically superior luxury cars. Audi introduced "Audi Top Assist", a 24x7 Road Side Assistance Program in India, earlier this year. The increasing familiarity and wider acceptance of the brand across the country is reflected in the robust growth that Audi has witnessed in terms of sales and expansion since start of operations in India.
"We have successfully exceeded our projected sales targets for two consecutive years and have strategically created a niche in the Indian automobile industry. Audi India immensely benefits from the state-of-art-infrastructure, modernised working processes, large pool of skilled personnel and favourable logistical conditions that AUDI AG provides. We will continue to provide unmatched quality 3/4 to our customers in India, reflective of our philosophy of 'Vorsprung durch Technik'," said Mr. Benoit Tiers.In 2009 Audi India registered a 58 percent growth, a remarkable achievement in a difficult year. This success was attained through the launch of - the new Audi A6, the Audi Q5, the new Audi Q7, introduction of three new engines to the existing range of Audi A4 and expansion of its footprint across India through new dealership openings in Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Kochi.
The brand celebrates "100 years of Audi", a journey of the brand's tradition, innovation, commitment, explorations, passion, successes and new ideas. To commemorate this special occasion, Audi India has several new initiatives planned for 2010, which were set in motion at the10th Auto Expo.
The company announced the introduction of Audi Q7 4.2 TDI; the most powerful engine in its class. The 4.2 TDI engine joins the highly successful and popular Audi Q7 family in India. The company also announced a Limited Edition offer on Audi A6 – the highest selling luxury sedan worldwide. The Audi A6 2.7 TDI will now be available at an attractive price of Rs. 37,00,000 onwards (ex-showroom Mumbai) for a limited period. Audi India also announced start of production of the Audi Q5, its highly successful SUV, at its group production facility at Aurangabad, and plans to launch an extended warranty program, later this month.
The international Audi stand concept will give auto enthusiasts an opportunity to experience the entire Audi product range available in India comprising the Audi A4, the new Audi A6, the Audi A8, the Audi Q5, the new Audi Q7, the Audi TT and the super sports car Audi R8, together with the two international exhibits - Audi Sportback Concept and Audi 225 Roadster at the Audi stand. The entire Audi model range is available at eight showrooms across the country: in Gurgaon, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Kochi. Early 2010 will witness the opening of new showrooms in Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai (West), Jaipur, Chennai, Ludhiana. Further developments include Lucknow, Coimbatore and Nagpur.
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